Sunday, February 6, 2022

Quotes from a disenfranchised therapist


Monday, August 30, 2021

a few quotes from a disenfranchised therapist

Quotes from a

Disenfranchised Therapist.

If The Meaning of LIfe

is to seek what makes

you happy,

 is the one

who still finds a reason 

to smile with a gun in their 

mouth a winner or a loser?

(I love a good paradox.)


I don't buy into any of those
guru fucks out there who act
as if you can just magically
THINK better shit into being.
Life doesn't work that way.

Life is a terrible ocean where
You swim with sharks, and either
get really good at coexisting with
them, become one, drown. (Or get fucking eaten.)


Be assured that any bullshit one

of those quick-fix spin- doctors try
selling you is just that.

Bullshit that only benefits them,
and perhaps those with an inherent
talent for self-delusion.


There is no meaning to life
other than shit we make up
as we go along. 

Sometimes it is enough to
keep from whacking yourself.

Other times ones personal life
is just too shitty, and their
circumstances too severe to 
see any reason to keep wading
through the Shit-Fest/



EVERYONE I've ever met
mentally ill in some way.

There is really only greater
lesser degrees of mentally

and some fuckers
NEED The Voices.

(to keep them sane.)


Therapy isn't about curing
mental illness. Because there
IS NO CURE for the Virus
of Human Consciousness .

Its about helping others learn
to tolerate or (at rare best) 
genuinely ENJOY the shit life
they're're chaotically
thrown into, while co-existing
relatively peacefully
with their fellow asylum members.


And yes. Sometimes you
have to lie your ass off to others
to keep em from going off the rails.

There's no other way. They're too
weak to handle things at face value,
and the truth would make the fuckers
more depressed.


Few people are

If they are they
quickly become
outcasts with little
to no social life;

Because as a general
rule, most don't want
to be told the truth, or 
what you REALLY
about things.

They want their
little egos
or delusions


The difference between
Cynic and a Realist?

(A Realist is a Work
in Progress who has
yet to accept The Cynical


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